As a committed socialist I am devastated by the imminent demise of the NHS which is happening without my being able to do anything. I am frustrated by the ease with which the Tories are allowing services to be insidiously taken over by greedy private companies at considerable cost to the taxpayers; so that they can make huge profits for their shareholders, many of whom are politicians anyway and it seems to be acceptable that this is so. Whilst this theft of Public Service is happening in shady back rooms the wretched Tories, aided and abetted by the incomprehensible LibDems (who should be honest and join their Party), are systematically dismantling the state in as many areas as they can. The unemployment rates are rocketing and this seems to be acceptable to the toffs. They are, on the whole, privately educated, covered by private medical insurance and generally living at a different level in our society. Of course their living standard is what they want to preserve; for themselves and bugger the rest of us at the other end of society. They don't give a damn as to how we put food on the table or pay the mortgage because they are, in their eyes, superior to the plebs and are "born to rule" much like the British ruled the Empire when the "natives" weren't fit for self governance.
So what can I do?
I live on a small island with a population of about 3,400 which is 2 hours away from the mainland by boat and lies in the West of Scotland. All the action and demos are in the south of England and I am unable to join in to feel part of any protest. All I have is Twitter and generally I am talking to like-minded people. I am not reaching the people who are decimating Public Services so that the greedy bankers can have huge bonuses and toffs can avoid taxes. Even if I did reach them I would be dismissed; squashed like an irritating midge in my garden in August. I write to MPs, MSPs and Lords with my concerns about what's happening and I get a figurative pat on the head as if I were a recaltricant child. I am 66 and have extensive experience working in the NHS. I am not a naughty 7 year old with chocolate round my mouth, but that's how I am made to feel by most of the politicians who decide the rules of my community.
Thought I would add a photo to cheer up anyone who might have had the patience to get so far!
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