Friday, 13 July 2012

Demise of my NHS

I've been wondering recently why the UK is just accepting all these appalling NHS changes. I am just incandescent as I worked for the NHS for 40 years and it's like a religion to me; more than that there is no deity so it's better, and we can all muck in to improve standards and treatment for each other. Or so I thought. If there is no deity there is definitely a devil in the form of Andrew Lansley with little horny helpers Simon Burns, Danny Alexander and arch criminals Gideon and Call me Dave.

Why doesn't everyone in the UK feel as I do? Have they swallowed the Tory propaganda about the NHS having to be severely cut up into tiny pieces and each one handed to greedy private companies so that tons of wonga can be made, for their shareholders, out of government grants? The thing is, so many Tories in government, and sad wee LibDems, allegedly are these greedy shareholders. 

Private companies, by their very nature, have to make profits. How can this be done as well as providing a "better" health service? The only way is to cut wages and charge patients for treatments they used to get free....simple! Trouble is, the general public don't seem to be "getting" this. Why? Well maybe it has something to do with the fact that the BBC and most other media outlets are not reporting this sad fact. It's all falling apart round our ears and the BBC is obsessed with the royals, what they wear and what a "great job" they do. Maybe if the royals shouted up about the shocking disintegration of the NHS their "subjects" would listen??? 

I am waiting, but not holding my breath, for a reply from the BBC justifying their lack of reporting on a subject which should be top of it's agenda....ah but, isn't the BBC in awe of the Tories and wouldn't like to sross them?
Cynical? Qui moi?

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