Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Tax Inequality

I agree with Bernie. Tax has become a dirty word in this nefarious government. It's time the Labour  Party reverted back to it's socialist roots and agreed to tax the rich like Thomas Picketty suggests....up to 80% The mega rich would hardly notice & the benefits to the community would be immense. Of course these taxes would have to be ruthlessly imposed & rigorously collected....more jobs for the Tax Office? I can see no earthly reason for these ideas not to be agreed by 'my' Labour Party unless to pacify the mega rich of their own....and the greed of the Snivelling Tories & LibDems....not to mention the unimaginably dreadful, xenophobic, racist ukippers.
I worry about what will happen after the Independence Referendum....whatever decision is made.
On the one hand we have Tories, Labour & LibDems (agreeing!) telling us we should stay together for the financial betterment of all sides: and the YES voters that we can do it better alone.
Devolution offered the chance to the UK Parliament for improvement in financial arrangements with Scotland but promises came to not-very-much. We have consistently been treated as second class citizens. Why should we believe they would honour any future promises after a NO vote? I am too cynical to accept any promise from Cameron & Clegg and fear that the Labour Party is so scared of losing the middle England vote that they will renege on promises even though they might have been made in good faith.
If I were sure that higher taxes (much higher) would be imposed on mega rich people....and that these would be collected not dismissed as uncollectable, I might reconsider my decision to vote YES. So far I don't see this happening and there are only 3 months to go!

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